For use with Hougen Portable Magnetic Drills and machine tools operations on materials up to 350 BHN. Made of hardened, high speed tool steel and precision ground, cutters feature a 3/4" diameter shank
All 12,000 series 1"&2" DOC come with free pilot
7/16" - 9/16" uses Pilot 10532
5/8" - 2" uses Pilot 10528
With the most features of any annular cutter, “12,000-Series” cutters
provide the best performance and value.
Features include: Two flats for cutter mounting, O.D. Margins,
I.D. Margins, fully fluted tools, patented tooth geometries, material
types, coatings, and resharpenability. Hougen cutters with the
, feature a patented tooth geometry that provides long
tool life, less chatter, and extended resharpenability. Compared to
traditional tooling (twist drills, etc.) Hougen cutters can multiply your
cutting speed by up to 3 times. And you get longer tool life, a more
accurate hole, a better finish, with no burrs. Hougen cutters maximize
feed rates because up to 10 or more cutting edges distribute the
cutting load evenly. By converting a smaller area to chips, Hougen Cutters require less horsepower and thrust
Made in U.S.A